I came across an image of this lesson while on Pinterest one night. The link led me to Monroe Elementary School Artsonia site; http://www.artsonia.com/museum/art.asp?id=18162652&exhibit=508137&gallery=y I don't know if the art teacher knows her image was pinned but I am very thankful that it was; my students LOVED this lesson!
"Clay Frogs" is a frequent 2nd grade lesson for me to teach; it combines a review of how to make a pinch pot, which they learned in 1st grade, with learning the clay technique for attaching pieces of clay together - scoring with slip.

Adding an introduction the the artist Claude Monet and the book, "Philippe in Monet's Garden" really gave depth to the lesson.

March 27, 2013
Yowza! The internet is just AMAZING! The day after I posted this, Theresa McGee, the art teacher that created this lesson, left a comment below! Check it out; she also left a link in her comment to her original lesson plan. THANK YOU!
Theresa, your Artsonia lessons are really beautiful! Do you have a blog? I'd sign up to follow it in a heartbeat. :)